Hong Kong 2023 Humanities Conference on Comparative Cultures of Care
Venue & Location:
Onsite: Conference Centre, Block E, The Education University of Hong Kong, HKSAR
Online: Zoom
Date: November 2-3 (Thursday - Friday), 2023
Theme: Theory, Culture, Care / Environment, Technology, Care / Care, Pedagogy, Community
Language: English
FREE Registration: https://forms.gle/L5ujiq3eaHiCpvxK7
Free registration for ONSITE attendance will be closed on 25 October (Wednesday), while free registration for ONLINE attendance will remain open until 1 November (5pm)."
About the Conference
The ‘Hong Kong 2023 Humanities Conference on Comparative Cultures of Care’ stems from an eight-month long online reading course on “Theorizing Care” that began in early 2023, and endeavors to extend our consolidated discussion on care ethics and politics through a two-day face-to-face conference on the campus of the Education University of Hong Kong. Speakers will be presenting drafts of their original papers for a robust dialogue with each other and with the audience. They are from Canada, UK, US, Australia, and Hong Kong.
The Conference will be anchored on there main themes:
Theory, Culture, Care
Environment, Technology, Care
Care, Pedagogy, Community
Through this conference, we aim to form a close-knit community of scholars who will support the curiosity and innovation that drive international research.
The Conference Organizing Committee
For more information about the conference and the project, please visit the project website.