Selected Research Grants
Prof. ERNI, John Nguyet
Principal Investigator, “Comparative Cultures of Care: A Converging Interdisciplinary Focus and Application,” Central Reserve Allocation Committee (CRAC) Fund, EduHK (HKD5,389,552)
Principal Investigator, “Human Rights Museums in the Transpacific: A Comparative Study of Cultural Institutions for the Histories of Difference and Resistance,” RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (Project no. 32001019)
Principal Investigator, “Postgraduate Student Conference in Humanities – “Negotiating Identity and Creativity in Times of Crisis,” University Conference Grant, Research Committee & Faculty of Arts (Project no. RC-CONF/20-21/06), Hong Kong Baptist University
Co-investigator, “Exploring Creativity and Selves in Hong Kong’s Disabled Communities,” Initiation Grant for Faculty Niche Research Areas (Project no. RC- FNRA-IG /19-20), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKD1,000,000)
Principal Investigator, “A Cultural Study of Volunteer Traveling, Transnational Civic Participation and Youth Idealism: The Case of Voltra,” RGC GRF (Project no.: 12667618)
Dr. BANERJEE, Bidisha
Principal Investigator, “Thanatic Ethics: The Circulation of Bodies in Migratory Spaces”, Faculty Development Fund, Faculty of Humanities, EdUHK
Principal Investigator, “Spaces of Precarity: Migration, Spatiality and the Refugee Graphic Narrative”, General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (Project no.: 18601921)
Co-investigator, “Investigating Hong Kong Students' Aspirations for the Future”, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (Special Round), Hong Kong Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (Project no.: SR2020.A5.005)
Dr. ZHOU, Lulu Egret
Principal Investigator, “A History of Representation of Mainlanders in Hong Kong TV Dramas”, General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (Project no.: 18604721)
Dr. CHAN, Kit Wa Anita
Co-investigator, “Advancing Equity in Hong Kong: An Intersectional Analysis of Secondary School Students’ Schooling Experiences”. Funded by the General Research Fund, Research Grant Council, Hong Kong. (Ref: GRF 17609523; Amount: $696,300)
Co-investigator, “Transnational Ageing and Family Processes among Elderly Hong Kong Parents”. Funded by The Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grant Council, Hong Kong (UGC/FDS/14/H15/22; Amount: HK$883,818)
Co-investigator, “Loving My Political Opponents”: Political Disagreements and Marital Quality in Hong Kong”, General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (Project no.: 12600021)
Principal Investigator, “Remaking Chinese Families: Narratives and Practices of Adoptive Families in Hong Kong”, General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (Project no.: 18613419)
Principal Investigator, “Exploring the Masculinities of Young Men in Hong Kong”, Research Matching Grant, The Women’s Foundation
Co-investigator, “Investigating Hong Kong Students' Aspirations for the Future”, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (Special Round), Hong Kong Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (Project no.: SR2020.A5.005)
Dr. LAU, Leung Kwok Prudence
Principal Investigator, “Hong Kong Art Deco: Theatre Buildings and the Rise of Modern Cinema in Transforming the City’s Socio-cultural Landscape”, General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (Project no.: 18608319)
Prof. LIN Mei Yi, Angel
Co-Investigator, “Exploring ESL secondary school students' scientific writing: a case study of English-medium secondary school students in Hong Kong”.General Research Fund (GRF) (HKD174,000)
Principal Investigator, "Integrating Critical/Media Literacies in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Teacher Education", Social Sciences andHumanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Development Grant. Partnering with the Surrey School District, York University, and Bishops University, Partnership Development Grant (CAD 200,000)
Co-Investigator, “Bridging theGap: Investigating the Effectiveness of Content and Language IntegratedLearning (CLIL) with Translanguaging and Trans-semiotizing Pedagogy in Nursing Education”. Hong Kong GRF Grant (HKD73,184)
Principal Investigator, "Co-Designing InnovativeStrategies in Developing Multilingual Students' STEM Literacies in PublicSchools", Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Engage Grant (CAD25,000)
Co-Investigator, “Multilingual approaches to assessment and education symposium”, SSHRC Individual Connection Grant, CAD 13,455
Principal Investigator, “Expanding STEM Literacy through Content-Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in an Undergraduate Biology Classroom”,Teaching and Learning Development Grants, SFU.
Dr. NG, Fung Sheung Isabella
Co-investigator, “Investigating Hong Kong Students' Aspirations for the Future”, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (Special Round), Hong Kong Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (Project no.: SR2020.A5.005)
Principal Investigator, “In local exclusivity lies global inclusion – the relational ontology of asylum-seekers and refugees and local community in a post-colonial Hong Kong village”, General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (Project no.: 18611418)
Dr. TSE, Yin Nga Kelly
Principal Investigator, “Redressing Atrocities: Forms of Reconciliation in Postcolonial Southeast Asian Literature”, Early Career Scheme, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (Project no.: 28602021)
Dr. ZHANG Zimu
VisitANTS Fellowship in Critical Studies of Biodiversity and the Anthropocene Research, University of Oulu, Finland
Audiovisual Essay Proposal Grant, Asian Film Archive, Singapore
Landhaus Fellowship, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society