CPCH Webinar Series
Date: 3 December 2021 (Friday)
Time: 15:30 - 16:30
Title: In Local Exclusivity Lies Global Inclusion: The relational ontology of asylum-seekers, refugees and the local community in a Hong Kong walled village
Speakers: Dr. Isabella Ng and Dr. Alex Chan
Format: Zoom
This webinar is part of the event series Otherness and Belonging in Hong Kong.
Dr. Ng’s project is an 24 month ethnographic study in the ethnic cluster of rural Hong Kong. Through in-depth interviews with 80 asylum-seekers and refugees, local walled villagers who live with the groups in the villages, as well as interviews with NGOs, social workers and legislators who work with the groups, the project examines the relationship between the local community and the asylum-seekers and refugees in post-colonial Hong Kong. Drawing on relational ontology, Dr. Ng examines the interactions and interrelations between these groups amidst social, structural and historical changes.
Dr. Isabella Ng is the Assistant Professor and Associate Head (Teaching and Learning) in the Department of Asian and Policy Studies at the Education University of Hong Kong. She receives her PhD in Gender Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London. She focuses her research on Gender and Development in Asia, Feminist Geography, Feminist Research methods, anthropology of migration; migrants and diaspora, rural villages in Hong Kong and China and media studies, by drawing mainly on her training in anthropological research methods.
Dr. Alex Chan is a lecturer in Soka University, teaching Sociology of Globalisation and transnational migration. He was previously teaching in the Education University of Hong Kong on Media, International Relations, and Sociology. A renowned journalist in Malaysia, he received his PhD in Sociology of Media in Doshisha University in Japan. He has been actively advocating for the asylum-seekers and refugees issues and is an executive committee member of The Hong Kong Society for Asylum seekers and Refugees.