CPCH Film Salon
This semester’s film salon organized by the Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities features films by Macau Director Cheang Pou-Soi(鄭保瑞). We will show Cheang’s film every Tuesday night at D3-LP-07 for four weeks, starting from 8/10 (Tue), and we will have post-screening discussion with Director on 05/11. Please refer to the following for details:
本學期由流行文化與人文學研究中心所舉辦的電影沙龍將圍繞澳門導演鄭保瑞。由 10月 8 日起一連四個星期二,我們將於 D3-LP-07 演講廳放映鄭導演的四套作品,並於11月5日設有導演影後座談會。片單和詳情如下:
1. New Blood (2002), duration: 90 mins
Date: 15 Oct 2019 (Tuesday)
Time: 18:30 – 21:30
Venue: D3-LP-07
Language: (film) Cantonese with English subtitles.; (post-screening discussion) Bilingual – Chinese & English
1. 《熱血青年》(2002),片長 90 分鐘
語言:(電影)粵語,附英語字幕; (映後討論)中英雙語
A young couple engage in a suicide pact, and slit their wrists together. However, only the woman, who is already suffering from cancer, dies. Three donors give her lover a life-saving blood transfusion. Each of the three has a rare blood type, and each has his, or her, own secrets. The trio become a target for the girl’s vengeful spirit. Before matters are set right, the three victims will have been forced to donate far more than their blood.
三名擁有特殊血型的青年:軍裝警員阿樂(周英杰飾),葉詩敏(周麗淇飾)與建築師阿力(周子駒飾)素未謀面,卻突然感應到對方的存在, 感到極度不安。三人曾經各自捐血,巧合地被用作拯救一對自殺戀人,結果反令情侶陰陽相隔。不甘獨赴黃泉的女子邱燕屏(梁敏儀飾),憑著體內特殊血型的感召,逐步接近這三名「多管閒事」的熱血青年,逐一報恩…..
2. Home Sweet Home (2005), duration: 99 mins
Date: 22 Oct 2019 (Tuesday)
Time: 18:30 – 21:30
Venue: D3-LP-07
Language: (film) Cantonese with English subtitles.; (post-screening discussion) Bilingual – Chinese & English
2. 《怪物》(2005),片長 99分鐘
語言:(電影)粵語,附英語字幕; (映後討論)中英雙語
A family moves to a new flat on a big building. They get to know the building was erected over a burnt slum, when lots of poor people died in a non accidental fire set by the constructors. Soon their only child, a boy, is kidnapped by what seems to be a strange humanoid creature lurking in secret through the ventilation and trash pipes that connect everywhere around. As the father is heavily wounded by the creature and goes to hospital, the mother undertakes the investigation the police should do. But what she will discover will put herself in conflict with her own beliefs as a mother.
青年建築師Ray(方中信 飾)帶妻子May(舒淇 飾)及5歲兒子子路(譚竣浩 飾)搬進新家的翌日傍晚就有怪事發生。May帶著子路在天臺 花園玩耍時,看到子路被強大力量離奇扯出天臺,墜樓失蹤。接著,May又頻頻聽到小孩尋找母親的哭叫聲,更恐怖的,是家中無論子路的玩具還是衣衫都先後離奇失蹤。 在員警的幫助下,Ray和May知曉導演這一切的,是躲藏在他們背後的神秘“怪物”(林嘉欣 飾)。而在與“怪物”爭奪兒子的過程中,Ray和May漸漸瞭解到,神秘“怪物”在醜陋可怖的外表下掩藏著一個不為人知的辛酸故事。
3. Dog Bite Dog (2006), duration: 109 mins
Date: 29 Oct 2019 (Tuesday)
Time: 18:30 – 21:30
Venue: D3-LP-07
Language: (film) Cantonese with English subtitles.; (post-screening discussion) Bilingual – Chinese & English
3. 《狗咬狗》(2006),片長 109分鐘
語言:(電影)粵語,附英語字幕; (映後討論)中英雙語
Cambodian criminal Pang seems less than human from the moment he appears, stowed in a cage-like structure on a smuggler’s boat. The childhood product of a cruel, backwoods death-match boxing compound, he’s a young man for whom raw animal instincts take the place of any moral reasoning. Pang arrives in Hong Kong with no grasp of the local Cantonese language, an empty stomach and a scrap of paper clueing him in to the grisly assignment before him. Meanwhile, a bitter young cop, Wai, is perpetually butting heads and breaking rules in his department. Alerted to Pang’s crime, Wai leaps into action, and is soon confronted face to face with the hit man’s ruthlessness. The two begin a violent descent into depravity and vengeance, and the lines between cop and crook, predator and prey, human and vicious beast are soon blurred. But when Pang takes a simpleminded, sexually abused refugee under his wing, the stakes are raised even more dramatically and circumstances hurtle toward a shocking climax of tragedy and redemption.
4. Accident (2009), duration: 87 mins [Post-screening discussion with Director Cheang]
Date: 5 Nov 2019 (Tuesday)
Time: 18:30 – 21:30
Venue: D3-LP-07
Language: (film) Cantonese with English subtitles.; (post-screening discussion) Cantonese and Mandarin
4. 《意外》(2009),片長 87分鐘 【屆時導演會出席影後座談會】
語言:(電影)粵語,附英語字幕; (映後討論)粵語及普通話
In the opening scene, a man is killed in what appears to be an accident. However, it is revealed that the man was actually murdered, with the supposed accident actually orchestrated by a group of killers led by the Brain (Louis Koo). The group specialises in killing their victims using elaborate schemes that mask the murders as if they were accidents. Uncle (Stanley Fung), one of the team members, accidentally leaves a cigarette butt at the crime scene, and it is found by the Brain. After an argument, Uncle vows to quit smoking afterwards.
The team then gets a job from a son that wants to kill his own father, likely for insurance money. They plan an accident to kill their target via electrocution, but the plan requires for it be to raining at a specific time. The team tries to execute their plan many times but fail due to the rain falling later than necessary. During one run, Uncle smokes a cigarette and begins to show signs of Alzheimer’s disease, forgetting that he made a vow to stop smoking. However, the rain falls on time, and the team decides to go forth with their plan. Uncle forgets to play his part in the murder, but the murder is successfully executed nonetheless…
某人在開車經過街區時被突然從天而降的碎玻璃砸中,當場斃命。員警及時趕到,將此案定為意外。而實際上,意外乃是犯罪團夥聯手製造的假像。團夥的首領大腦(古天樂 飾),跟女人(葉璿 飾)、胖子(林雪 飾)以及嗑藥老頭(馮淬帆 飾),經常聯手搞意外殺人。他們採取的手段多為利用電擊、雷劈、車禍、懸掛物墜落等方式。在作案中,大腦負責全盤統領,女人協助做誘餌,胖子和嗑藥老頭做障眼法。在前面的案件中,由於嗑藥老頭導致的失誤,險些令行動失敗,所以大腦大發雷霆,生怕稍有閃失即遭覆滅。後來,在妻子(莫小奇 飾)的溫柔鄉中,大腦緊張的神經才得以恢復平靜。然而,後一單的雨夜殺人計畫依舊遇到了前所未有的難題,一個神秘人物陳芳洲(任賢齊 飾)的出現,改變了這個集團的命運。
Introduction of Director:
While Cheang Pou-Soi is well known for directing the recent The Monkey King (2014-2018) series which met with great box office success on the mainland market, most audiences are unaware that he was once a well-known director of horror films in Hong Kong. In 2002, he was nominated for best new director at the Hong Kong Film Awards with New Blood, sealing his reputation as a director of horror films. With Home Sweet Home (2005), he showed his reluctance to remain limited to the horror genre. When the ghosts turn into marginalized aliens, the audience’s fear moves from the subject of horror to the complaint against capitalism. In Dog Bite Dog (2006), Cheang presented his understanding of the primitive human emotions through his unique film style, displaying a brilliant violent aesthetics. As a director who always attempts to break through, Cheang again abandoned his branding style in Accident (2009) and turned to the psychological depiction of depression, to highlight the uneasiness caused by distrust and suspicion in human nature. What is Cheang’s definition of fear and horror and how does he present it? You are invited to attend the film screenings of “Cheang Pou-Soi’s horror series” in October. The screening of Accident on October 29th will be followed by a post-screening discussion with director Cheang.
All sessions are intended for purposes of giving or receiving instruction through film analysis and commentary among students and teachers.