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CPCH Film Salon

This semester’s film salon organized by the Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities features films by Korean Director Kim Ki Duk (金基德). We will show Kim’s film every Monday night at D1-LP-02 for four weeks, starting from 25/02 (Mon).  Please refer to the following for details:

本學期由流行文化與人文學研究中心所舉辦的電影沙龍將圍繞韓國導演金基德。由 2 月 25 日起一連四個星期一,我們將於 D1-LP-02 演講廳放映金導演的四套作品。片單和詳情如下:

1. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring 《春去春又來》
Date: 25 Feb 2019 (Mon)


Time: 18:15 – 21:30


Venue: D1-LP-02, Tai Po Campus, EdUHIK

地點:教大大埔校園 D1-LP-02

Language: (film) Korean with Chinese & English subtitles.; (post-screening discussion) Bilingual – Chinese & English

語言:(電影)韓語,附中英語字幕; (映後討論)中英雙語


A young Buddhist apprentice is mentored by an aging monk at a secluded monastery in the Korean wilderness. As a teenager, the apprentice encounters a girl who arrives at the monastery seeking assistance with her health. Over the course of a few days, the boy is tempted away from his spiritual existence into a sexual relationship. He leaves the monastery to follow the girl into a modern way of life he has never known and is unprepared for.


春 – 一個童僧拿著石頭,壓著河邊的一條魚的尾部,又用同樣的方法對待一隻青蛙和一條蛇。結果老僧也用同樣的方式懲罰童僧,讓他身上綁著一塊石頭,直到他尋回並釋放被他虐待的小動物們,否則他所犯下的罪孽將綑綁著他一世。

夏 – 當年的童僧已長大,感到深居簡出的日子頗為苦悶。突然間,一名少女病癒後來到寺廟療養。少僧開始忍受不住異性相吸所帶來的誘惑和溫暖。

秋 – 一個三十歲的青年悲傷失意地逃到寺廟之中,原來他正是多年前離開的少僧,在老僧的照顧之下,他才娓娓道出他回到寺廟的原因:他因目睹深愛的女人投向別人的懷抱,憤而失手殺人。當老僧正要讓青年刻經文以洗淨心靈之時,兩名刑警出現在寺廟的另一頭。

冬 – 經過牢獄洗禮的中年男子,再度回到此地卻已人事全非。他整理著殘破的寺廟時,一名蒙面婦女突然探訪寺廟,並留下了一個男嬰。像是輪迴註定般,男子與小男嬰在寺廟裡開始了他們的新生活,就如同當初老僧扶養自己一樣。

About Kim Ki Duk

One of the most controversial Korean directors, Kim Ki Duk is a self-taught filmmaker who prides himself on his outsider status, openly setting himself apart from contemporaries like Hong Sang-soo and Lee Chang-dong, who he considers too intellectual.



All sessions are intended for purposes of giving or receiving instruction through film analysis and commentary among students and teachers.


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